Arsenal Defeat

Arsenal coach Arsene Wenger is a true coach and no one can dispute the fact that he has achieve a lot. He has a lot to be desired in terms of negotiations and Also how to manage resources.

With all the praise he also has several failures especially in fighting for elusive cup (Champions League ) It seems that he is interested in qualifications alone. 

Learnt lessons from the defeat faced by Arsenal in the hands Messi and the squad shows that Wenger need to invest in real strikers, Arsenal need world class strikers to compete in major tournaments. Flamini time is up and Ox need to decide to either be a runner or a footballer. 

Arsenal need a coach who is ready to win bigger games and a go getter. Arsene Wenger is enjoying and he seems to be in the comfort zone,The shareholders are getting their share of cake,club owner isn't complaining. With all this it seems Wenger will never get the cup.
