Arsenal fans are spineless and mentally weak

Fomer Scotland international Craig Burley has launched a blistering attack on 'spineless' and 'mentally weak' Arsenal fans.

Burley, speaking on an ESPN broadcast, laid into supporters of the north London club for what he perceived as an acceptance of mediocrity under Arsene Wenger.

Wenger has only returned two FA Cups since 2005 and, though some regulars at the Emirates Stadium have voiced their dissent, Burley believes more fans should be complaining about the relative lack of success.

'I'm telling you, Arsenal fans: you are spineless. You are the mirror image of your team: weak, mentally weak,' Burley said.

'They follow their club across Europe and up and down the country in England, and they accept the mediocrity - and it is mediocrity, by a club of that standard, getting in the top four.

'They keep using the Champions League as some barometer for their success but every year up until now - apart from the time they got to the final in Paris [in 2006] - they've been knocked out in the round of 16. Every time. What's the point?
'Wenger at the moment - one: he's getting paid well, and two: he's either too ignorant or arrogant, to think he should not be moving on.'
