Highest rated MLS player in Ultimate Team history.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic has only been an LA Galaxy player for a day but the Sweden international is already having a massive impact.

Ibra has also broken records. Excluding informs and special cards, no player has ever had a higher rated Ultimate Team card while playing in the MLS.

His 88-rated Manchester United card has been transferred to LA Galaxy on the game, smashing the previous record of 84 overall which was held by Steven Gerrard and Andrea Pirlo from FIFA 16.

Ibrahimovic will probably be downgraded once FIFA 19 comes out as he enters the later stages of his career but for now, he's fantastic on the game. His 88 shotting and 82 dribbling means he will always be a threat going forward.

And while he isn't very fast (65 pace) he makes for a fantastic target man with 88 strength, 80 heading, 90 volleys and standing at six-foot-five.
And his card could become crucial for eMLS players, as the FIFA esports tournament rules that players have to have a certain number of MLS players in their squad. LA Galaxy's FIFA player Giuseppe Guastella will be hoping Zlatan will earn an inform soon.
